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Undoubtedly, most students, especially international ones, taste real freedom the first time in their lives when going abroad to study in college or university. Spending all the time with friends, controlling your actions, pressing the snooze button on your alarm clock having no one nearby to make you come to your senses – this is what it’s like to be an independent person. However, being free like this won’t do you any right, even opposite, if you don’t shape up and take matters into your own hands to stand up straight and go to class. Being educated in a foreign country is worth money and struggle. Even though living on campus makes you socialize with different people on a regular base, it doesn’t take efforts at all to forget about your main priority, which is to study and make a professional out of yourself, other than collect friends, even though good and devoted ones. We have gathered these five crucial reasons for students like you that describe the importance of attending classes to enrich your studying experience both academically and socially.

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  1. Get value of every cent you spent. Once the studying process starts, it is straightforward to forget or foresee how much all these routine costs you. Almost all full-time schedules are 12 to 16 hours. To be more precise, the amount of credit hours differs from university to university, even though a typical basic course consists of three credit hours. Life is life, and you may miss one or two classes occasionally, but you will have to remember at all times that your main job at the moment is a full-time international student. Your priority now is to embrace new knowledge with open arms and attend classes is at the very heart of this process. Many international students make the same mistake over and over again, which is to feel healthy about missing classes, which is absolutely and entirely wrong and harmful thought. Even the most talented and accurate students eventually do this, and they risk their academic career, not talking about throwing away money. Money tends to be the right motivation for lazy students because when you sit down and calculate how much money you spend from your pocket and then don’t attend classes that you have paid for, you start realizing you are doing something wrong! The cost of any course in the typical university depends on how many credits a class there is, bearing that in mind, a credit price varies from $300 to $1600 per single unit. What that typically means is that your 3-unit Math class could cost your starting from $900 up to $4.800, and wasting this kind of money is a massive miscalculation on your side. Attending classes automatically means that you get your money’s worth, and by talking yourself out of going to the course, you are committing a costly mistake, not to mention turning your back on opportunities that are offered to you.
  2. It is not a High School any more Dealing with university professors is an entirely different thing in comparison with high school teachers. For the most part, professors are interested in a way that students interpret the ideas that they study and their level of engagement in the process of exploring new material. It is a typical situation in university when exams consist of open-ended kinds of questions, for the most part, meaning that merely reading the article thoroughly is not enough. Still, you need to understand and interpret it in your unique way. And when this rather important day of exam approaches, students need to be able to show examples and produce references to material that you have been working with during the whole course.
    A typical situation for a high school was when teachers were guiding you all the way through, providing every single piece of material that you required. University way of teaching, on the other hand, is much more complex and challenging and varies significantly depending on every single Professor. Some might use the presentation as a way of describing studying material. Others may lecture students all the way through. A very crucial thing to keep in mind is that it is essential to listen to a professor carefully in order not to miss any vital piece of mind that comes out of his or her mouth. Some students may be lucky to hear and comprehend an essential phrase, which is: “This might turn up on the exam, so don’t miss out.” And this will make all the difference in the world.
    Different quizzes or even so-called surprise exams are extremely handy from Professor’s point of view to determine the average level of knowledge throughout the class. A considerable amount of universities determine the final grade according to the final exams. Still, these quizzes give Professor an excellent understanding of the level on which most of the students are at. These quizzes also influence the final grades, and the level of influence differs from one professor to another.
  3. Socialize proactively using your classes Simply because one chooses to take his or her education process seriously doesn’t automatically mean that there is absolutely no socializing element to learning. Furthermore, attending classes is simply one of the most effective ways of meeting new people and making new friends. This also helps when there is a need to come together to prepare for a painful examination of a test. Your mates might catch on to some ideas that you didn’t quite understand and vice versa. In case a student never makes it to classes, he or she risks missing out on these crucial opportunities.
  4. Start working on academic relationships International students tend to forget or miss out on the fact that their professors often take part in different research activities of the university. The very person standing in front of you and lecturing might be a very famous expert in his or her field, in which case is making you very privileged to stand there and listen carefully to their thoughts and ideas. On every campus, some activities are worth visiting that happens nonstop. It is highly advisable to attend these gatherings because you might meet there your Professor and get a chance to speak with him or her in informal surroundings, gaining an opportunity to leap in the right direction academically. Anyway, establishing secure professional connections with your professors may serve you very well in the future, in case you might need references, and your Professor knows precisely who you are. Having a vast amount of students begging to be seen by a professor, you are the one that has to stand out and make yourself very distinct and noticeable. All along many professors offer so-called office hours that you will be foolish not to go to, being proactive during classes also helps a lot.
  5. Always remember about the funny side of the learning process Even though you are going to attend only classes that are directly related to your field of expertise, almost all universities offer so-called core classes – a list of subjects are neither mandatory to participate in nor do they always directly related to your major. However, an excellent idea would be to sign up for as many classes of this kind as possible to get yourself completely out of your comfort zone and develop yourself into a true professional.